Bakugan started as an anime and eventually morphed into a mutli product franchise. Next came toys, single player video games, and finally a free to play MMORPG. Players can sign up and chose from six sets of starter Bakugans. To get new monsters to fight with, players can enter the code found on Bakugan toys and start using them in Bakugan Dimensions. Unlike the similarly themed Nanovor, Bakugan Dimensions is a browser based game that doesn’t require a separate download.
Bakugan Types: Pyrus – The Aggressive attribute of Fire. Pyrus Brawlers use fast attacks and attacks that ignore defense. Pyrus Bakugan also increase their fighting power throughout a battle. Subterra – The powerful attribute of Earth. Subterra Brawlers use slow, but devastating, attacks at close range. Their strong, earthen durability gives them high defense. Haos – The wise attribute of Light.