They will say this 25 times and this is better according to the text of the hadeeth because this person saw in his dream and there could be a dream which is confused and we aren’t the people who can explain dreams so we don’t know the explanation of it but this man, he saw a vision and he narrated this to the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam and so his answer to him was “then do it like this, then do it like this” So now we have a fiqh question, is this abrogating the first hadeeth saying SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulilaah 33 times, Allahu Akbar 33 times and to the end of the hadeeth. When they do in the manner which is mentioned in the first hadeeth, they rush it so it is upon them to join these four phrases together and to say them 25 times so they will say “SubhanAllah walhamdulillaah, walaa ilaaha illal Allah, wallaahu Akbar”. (the Shaykh starts saying Allah, Allah, Allah very quick) Therefore this is a protection for those individuals who rush after the prayer in making the Tasbeeh and making the Tahmeed.
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72-604096 72-1 1972/July 72-626994 72-6 1973/Jan. HD655498 HD1 1973/July HD689465 HD6 1974/Jan.
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