Expressiveness can be expanded using function-extension files. Original Picture Styles can be created by individually adjusting colors. Description: Canon Picture Style Editor is a free software designed for Canon camera owners to assist working with RAW images produced by digital.

Canon Picture Style Editor Software


Canon Picture Style Editor Manual

Canon Picture Style Editor

This application enables you to create your own personalized picture style files so as to obtain that desired look. Most Canon cameras come with a Picture Style function that integrates the settings for image processing parameters. Picture Style is applied to photographed images to give them that sharp and professional look. You can also make preliminary adjustments which include Brightness and White balance configurations. It has an intuitive interface that is divided into two layouts; at the left is an image viewer and tool palette is located at the right. Raw images are imported into the application using the drag and drop method and the image viewer automatically displays them. The tool palette is divided into three categories: “Basic”, “Six Color Axes” and “Specific Colors”. From “Basic”, you can select the picture style (standard, portrait, high and low saturation and Adobe RGB), set the sharpness, contrast, color saturation and color tone levels.

xenoneon – 2019