Devesh (Ajay Devgan) was Raj's father who was a futuristic car designer. He owned an old car, which was passed down to him from his father and he hoped to pass it on to his son, Raj. After many hours designing, he shows his design to a car company owned by four men (Pankaj Dheer, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Shakti Kapoor and Mukesh Tiwari), little did he know that they would turn around and patent the design and take credit for it. Autocad autodesk 2018 free download. In an attempt to get justice, Devesh reports the incident to the police and later finds out the hard way that the police officer was part of the deception. Text free download for computer. After Devesh confronts the men, they fight and Devesh is knocked out and left unconscious. The men decide to place him in his car and dump the car in the nearby lake.
Bagiku sangat lah spesial. Karena keramahan. Dari yang tidak kenal lalu berkenalan. Selamat ulang tahun jamrud. Karena sosok seorang teman sepertimu. Keikhlasan masa lalu itu muncul.
Devesh drowns to death leaving behind his mother and his young son. A few years pass by and Raj has grown up and enters college.