1. Phrasal Verbs Exercises With Answer Key
  2. Phrasal Verbs Exercises With Answers Pdf
PdfPhrasal verbs exercises pdf

I wake at 6:00 AM, but I usually stay in bed until around 6:30. I am not a morning person.

Phrasal Verbs Exercises With Answer Key

For each space in each sentence, use the verb Set (in the correct tense) with one of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the.

Phrasal Verbs Exercises With Answers Pdf

Our car broke in the desert between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. We were stuck on the side of the road for two hours before the tow truck arrived. Whoa, the speed limit here is 55 miles per hour! I think you need to slow. To apply for a driver's license, please fill this form and proceed to line B for the eye exam. The environmental activists were standing by the side of the road handing leaflets to protest the construction of the new beach hotel.

xenoneon – 2019